“Some things are true, whether we want them to be or not. Thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become habits, habits become character and character … well, character becomes destiny. It’s a hard thing to look deep down and examine our character. Will you do the right thing even if no one is looking? When is not convenient or it’s really hard? Or we do the right things simply because we have to? Because it’s who we are. Because it’s right.”
(Being Erica)
So, do we really do the right things because we have to? Or because we want to? And if we do it because it`s the right thing to do, where does this leave us?
5 comentarii:
Interesant, dar mereu v-a fi ceva care sa ne conditioneze intr-un fel sau altu,poate pe moment pare alegerea corecta, dar dupa o vreme nu o sa mai para asa din simplu fapt ca ti-ai schimbat punctul de vedere..ramane sa n-ai regrete
nice blog ; )
i like it ; ]
follow me if you want ; D ;**
societatea ne învață să credem că ceea ce trebuie să facem e defapt ceea ce vrem noi să facem.
Cel puțin așa simt eu.
sunt de acord cu exceptiul,adevarat!
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